
Some VIM features I used for this project

Shift + ^            { beginning of line }
Shift + G           { last line }
Shift + $           { end of line }
Shift + V           { block editor }
y                   { yank }
Shift + P           { paste }
dd                  { delete/cut }

To edit files in VIM with tabs use the command :tabedit <filename>


Fig 1

Now both files will show


Fig 2

To navigate between tabs use the keys

  • gt

  • gT

  • {n}gt where {n} is equal to the tab you want to go to (i.e. 2gt will take you to second tab)

Use :tabonly to close all tabs but the currently selected one

Go back in time to earlier versions

:earlier 2m



Fig 3


Fig 4


Fig 5

One other cool feature if you are using vim vs an IDE, setting up a .vimrc file to add line numbers

vim .vimrc

:set nu

Now, we have all this content (these modules built on RTD) and so many spelling errors everywhere….

We have some options in either VIM (slow process) or with aspell

How I did it:

for f in *.rst
    aspell check $f

Or as a one-liner:

for f in *.rst;do aspell check $f;done

Within VIM we add the directive :set spell spelllang=en_us and it will highlight words


Fig 6