
This link is a very good high level cover of most basic Docker commands you will use.

One thing not covered, and is a bit more advanced, is creating your own Docker network versus using the docker0 bridge assigned IP address. I will cover the steps to build a custom Docker network and assign that network and an IP address to a container.

First you have to create the network and give it an alias name

Docker network creation
 docker network create --subnet= mynet

To run a new container within this new network

Docker run
docker run  --net mynet --ip -p 81:80 -h --name web1 --restart unless-stopped -dit nginx

Where -h sets the hostname and --name sets an alias name for the container

Some other useful docker commands

docker rm -f <container_name>                                       { remove container; also forces removal of running container }
docker rmi <container image>                                        { remove image }
docker cp /local/file <container_name>:/path/file                   { copy local file to container; helpful if container has NO shell }
docker start                                                        { start a stopped container }
docker stop                                                         { stop a running container }
docker restart                                                      { restart a running container }
docker ps -a                                                        { show all containers; default is only running }

More of a Linux feature, but one of my favorite aliases to use for Docker to show the IP address using the container name

alias dip='docker inspect -f '\''{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}'\'' '


# dip mycontainer